Grade Levels » Kindergarten


Kindergarten is an exciting time filled with new friendships, daily discoveries, and the acquisition of essential skills. Our main objective is to create a secure and caring classroom environment that facilitates the growth of children, enabling them to become effective communicators and lifelong learners.
Diverse instructional strategies, including whole group lessons, small group activities, and learning centers, empower Kindergarteners to work independently and collaboratively. At this developmental stage, students master basic reading and writing skills while also honing social abilities crucial for positive relationships.
Learning in Kindergarten extends beyond traditional lessons, seamlessly integrating into daily routines. Through engaging activities like singing songs for phonemic awareness and interactive centers exploring math, science, and language, students playfully enhance cognitive, social, and problem-solving skills.
Together, as a cooperative effort involving teachers, students, and families, we are confident that this approach will lead to a successful school year for all our students!